VR Shooting Moe
(Dec 2022 - Apr 2023)


VR Shooting Moe - Gameplay Overview

This game is a VR shooting game designed to help players practice their aim by simulating a scenario where enemies invade their position. Players must shoot the enemies as quickly as possible. The enemies are depicted as cute characters placed in various locations, providing opportunities to practice reflexes and enjoy the game. This project uses Unity (version 2021.3.11f1) and includes a basic VR system for long-distance picking, walking, and teleporting, which I learned in the workshop. Below is an overview of the system components.

Basic VR System

  • Main Camera: Player's point of view (POV).
  • Left/Right Hand: Used for picking up and interacting with objects.
  • Left/Right Teleport Ray: Assists with teleporting to different locations and picking up items remotely (Note: This project includes only long-distance pick-up, not teleportation).
  • Left/Right Grab Ray: Helps with grabbing objects.
  • XR Interaction Manager: Essential for managing VR interactions.

Pistol System

The pistol spawns on a table in front of the player at the start of the game. Players can immediately pick it up and use it. Once held in your hand, you must use the Select button to trigger the shot.

Enemy Spawn System

Enemies spawn from specified points and navigate towards the player using a navigation system. They initially walk in designated paths and will sit down upon reaching certain locations. When they stand up, they will start attacking the player.

Restart System

A restart system is also included, allowing players to start a new game without exiting, effectively restarting the level.

Additional Notes

This VR game is just a prototype, and the enemy animations were sourced from Mixamo. As a result, the avatar bones may not align perfectly with the enemy characters, which could lead to some unusual behavior.

Download Here!


VR Shooting Screenshot 01

VR Shooting Screenshot 02

VR Shooting Screenshot 03

VR Shooting Screenshot 04

VR Shooting Screenshot 5


Feel free to reach out with any questions. I look forward to hearing from you.

Email: potsawatlalitlakkanakul@gmail.com
Tel: (+66) 90-295-3991